Our Projects

Oriel Laboratories

Oriel Laboratories is an independent consulting laboratory that provides a mobile infrastructure service. We have recently undertaken a project with them to develop their 5G radio case units. AD Precision prides itself on adapting quickly to change and working under tight deadlines to accommodate our client’s needs. In regard to Oriel, we worked diligently as a team, helping them with the evolution of their product; in total creating six different units and three variations.


RFEL is a UK based company that operates globally. We help them deliver their cutting-edge signal and video processing solutions to establishments such as homeland security and markets in communication and defence. Our recent project with them involved manufacturing two prototypes.

NHS Covid-19

Indeed, our most consequential project to date was our involvement in the fight against Covid-19. During this period AD Precision manufactured enclosures for the electronic device that is essential in analysing blood for the NHS. Functioning on a skeleton staff, our team worked on a rotational shift scheme to deliver 2,000 units in nine days. This is an achievement we are truly proud of and was our small contribution to the nationwide fight against the virus.

We’ve worked with industry leaders